Posted in City of Light, dream, Netflix, Nurse Jackie, paris, yoga

What Show is Your Netflix Binge?

198 Saturdays until Paris. 

That long?  Sheesh!

I thought this countdown would be such a clever way to kid myself into thinking this trip is just around the corner.  Maybe not!  Perhaps, I should do this countdown in days?

1,386 days until Paris.

Thirteen hundred AND eighty-six days.

Nope, that certainly doesn’t make me feel any better.  What if I calculate in hours?

33,264 hours until Paris.

Analyzing the number further, MIGHT be more comforting to me.

I can deduct 8 hours of sleep – on a good night! It is not a good sign that it is 3 o’clock in the morning and I am up writing this tomfoolery.  Luckily, I know how to rectify the situation – a nap!!  Subtract 11,088 hours – poof – gone – see ya!

Here is a deduction worthy of mentioning.  I average 15 hours per week at work.  Oh shoot! Scratch that!  I had the brilliant idea of quitting my job last week, to start this blog, and work on writing a children’s book.  What the heck was I thinking?  Didn’t I say I needed to save money to take this vacation?  No deduction.  Drats!

I spend 4 or 5 days a week in a yoga class.  That my friends, would slash 1,500 hours from my anticipation!  Clearly, I need to live in the present moment.  I guess I need to get my Om on!  Hang on a minute.  How often do I practice yoga?  Why are my favorite jeans getting too tight?

20,676 hours until Paris.  

I can easily skim 9,000 hours off of that number. Errands, appointments, home repairs and maintenance that were once a bother, are helpful chores subtracting time until I am in the City of Light. Now that is what I call progress!

11,676 hours until Paris.

Now,  I am getting somewhere!!  Nurse Jackie on Netflix, is my  – must see – please don’t mess up now  Wi-Fi – newest binge watch show.   Each episode is approximately 28 minutes in length, with  80 episodes. Thank you Jackie, Zoey, Coop and Eleanor.  Your antics will take care of 2,240 minutes.  

11,638 hours until Paris. 

This almost seems like a workable number.   As much as I love Nurse Jackie, and probably could watch all 7 seasons over and over, until my dream comes true –

          I NEED YOUR HELP!

 What show do you like to binge watch on Netflix?

It is completely possible, that I am so tired and I may have used the ‘new’ math for all of my calculations.

Darn!  Eh bien…

198 Saturdays until Paris.


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